OpenCanvas v5.5.20 - ENG
OpenCanvas v5.5.20 - ENG
OpenCanvas 5 è un programma software di grafica del computer che migliora il disegno e la pittura di esperienza. Ha grande funzionalità estese per l'artista esperto ed è abbastanza semplice per artista a qualsiasi livello da utilizzare. Si può non solo disegnare l'immagine ma anche apprendere e scambiare le idee di funzione di riproduzione di openCanvas evento e la sua comunità di utenti. openCanvas amplierà la vostra creatività facilmente ed efficientemente.
• Event *Note1
• Gradient
• Tone
• Read/Save in PNG, JPG or BMP format
• Read/Save in PSD (Photoshop) format
• Group for Layers
• Merge Visible (Transparent)
• Import Images of Pen Nib
• Edit Collection of Brush, Pen Nib, Palette and Gradient
• View Anti-Alias
• Optimize mass data
• Color Sampler with more colors
• Specify maximum size of Navigator
• Brush Tip
• Drug/Double-Click of icon of tool palette
New Function
A toolbar has been added.
Showing the transform menu by right-click while transforming a layer has been added.
Scale up and down an image by dragging vertexes or sides.
Rotate an image by dragging outside the frame.
Skew an image by dragging sides.
Make a trapezoidal shape by dragging vertexes.
Free Shape
Move freely by dragging vertexes.
Free Transform
Transform an image by dragging vertexes and sides. You can switch the transform method by holding down Ctr+Alt+Shift and drag.
Failure Correction
Malfunction of editing the shortcut key setting has been fixed.
Malfunction of text layer editing, that it was not able to input from IME pad, has been fixed.
Improper display of IME conversion window at text layer editing has been fixed.
An event function of Free Transform, that could not be replayed properly, has been fixed.
Malfunction of obtaining a color by right-click without turning on [Use Right-Click as Color Sampler] under Preferences has been fixed.